Chef’s Kitchen: Chef Ryan’s Take on Plant-based Chicken

Splash. Mix. Mash. Wrap. Watch as Chef Ryan creates a simple and approachable plant-based chicken breast ready for sous vide cooking and a sizzling pan searing.

How to Make Plant-based Chicken Breast with Vegan Gravy, Peas, and Kale

I’m chef Ryan Flick with Griffith foods. I want to show you a really simple, easy recipe that shows you how to make plant-based chicken. For this, I’m using texture wheat protein, seasoning, starches, and wrapped in tofu skin.

There are so many misconceptions about plant-based foods out there, and I want to show you how easy and simple it can be to work with plant proteins.

I’ll be serving this with a fondant potato, peas, kale, and a vegan gravy. After cooking the plant-based chicken sous vide for an hour, I’ll sear it in a hot pan, baste it, and allow it to rest before serving.

How is Plant-based Making it’s Way into Your Kitchen?

Plant-based diets are well beyond being considered a fad — for many, they’re a lifestyle, and they’re here to stay. From chicken to pork and beef substitutes, Griffith Foods has sustainably sourced, plant-based solutions to satisfy diets of all types. Please reach out to us or contact your Griffith Foods rep to request a sample or explore additional simple, sustainable, and satisfying meat alternatives.

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