Month May 2024
Los paneles sensoriales de alimentos permiten usar los sentidos humanos en la evaluación objetiva de los pr...
Lo más relevante del Burger Master 2024
Por: Simón Sanchez, Insights and Consumer Planner Región Andina Griffith Foods El Burger Master es un event...
GL Foods impulsiona laboratório de agricultura regenerativa
Em parceria com a escola ETEC Benedito Storani (Jundiaí – SP), no dia 21/04, a GL Foods, unidade da Griffit...

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Monitoring food trends is only useful if you can act on the insights you’ve gleaned. Year after year, we monitor, identify, and capture what consumers across the globe are craving and activate those learnings through new, innovative solutions that cater to your customer’s needs. From flavor and texture to nutrition and health, we’re focused on the food elements that matter most to the people you serve.
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