Griffith Foods Brazil is sprouting positive change. Partnering with ETEC, a public technical school in Jundiaí City, we’re empowering the next generation of agricultural technicians with the knowledge of regenerative agriculture.
Griffith Foods volunteers – students, teachers, and staff – joined forces to plant an agroforestry system, transforming the school grounds into a real-life regenerative agriculture laboratory as a dedicated learning space for 120 students in the program. According to the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education organization, agroforestry is an alternative farming system that integrates shrubs with crops or livestock and is a type of regenerative agriculture system. The students learned in the new agroforestry regenerative agriculture laboratory and through theoretical education.
This initiative is a game-changer; from 2024 onward, every graduating agricultural technician student will have the chance to learn in this one-of-a-kind lab, gaining practical skills in regenerative agriculture practices.
Together, we’re sowing the seeds for a more sustainable future!