Savor Every Story.
In 2025, our Food & Flavor Outlook program is embracing a personal approach, shining a spotlight on the chefs who bring culinary stories to life every day. With each of our featured culinary themes, you’ll learn about a team member with a unique story to tell. Our culinarians will share anecdotes about the family members who inspire them, the time-tested recipes and tools that ground them, and the hunger for knowledge that propels them forward.
Their stories can serve as inspiration for new recipes, menu items, and product launches. Together, let’s explore these globally relevant culinary themes that can help you craft a compelling selling story and uncover new business opportunities.
Are you ready to tell your company’s story and create better together? Reach out to your Griffith Foods representative today for more information on how you can incorporate the below culinary themes into your offerings.

Serving up Wellness, from a Culinary Perspective
The quest to maintain health through food is not a new phenomenon—in fact, it’s rooted in global traditions, ingredients and techniques dating back thousands of years. But what feeds this desire for today’s consumers is a growing focus on the relationship between physical health and emotional well-being. “Feel good” eating balances functional attributes with permissible indulgence to achieve a new goal: improving quality of life.

Get Inspired with our Take on Asian Fusion Fare
Ingredients and cooking techniques from across Asia are transcending borders and finding new life in fusion-style foods and beverages. The latest innovations bring unexpected flavors to popular formats, giving consumers a taste of something new while simultaneously satisfying their cravings.

Celebrate Versatile Ingredients with a Taste of the Tropics
The lush region between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn provides the ideal growing environment for an array of plants bearing edible fruit, treasured by consumers around the world. Not only are varieties like dragon fruit, guava and mangosteen turning up more frequently in beverages and desserts, they’re balancing savory dishes with acidity and sweet touches of flavor.

When Heat Meets Sweet, the Culinary Possibilities are Endless
As one of the most beloved flavor combinations, demand for all things sweet and spicy is heating up menus and retail shelves around the world. Jalapeño-infused agave nectar, spiced-chocolate mole negro and subtly sweet gochujang are just a few of the ingredients and flavor combinations that can deliver adventure and excitement while still feeling accessible to a larger audience.

Elevate the Customer Experience through Everyday Touches
With the rise of self-care memes, stories and “little treats” on social media, consumer desire for moments of happiness has never been stronger. Ingredients that carry a premium perception, incorporated into popular foods and beverages, create an elevated experience that can be enjoyed regularly—making every day a special occasion.

Discover the Power of Nostalgia in Culinary Innovation
Nostalgia can serve as an antidote to the stressors of everyday life—an emotional connection to a perceived simpler time. From discontinued food and beverage comebacks to pop culture anniversaries that inspire throwback cuisine, nostalgia is alive and well—and more dynamic than ever.