“Shared Value” is a management strategy in which companies find business opportunities addressing social problems.
Griffith Sustainably Sourced (GSS) is our sustainable sourcing program that creates societal value while generating business benefits through farm-level integration in sourcing spices and herbs.
The relationships with growers in the GSS program benefits all stakeholders. Griffith receives high-quality raw materials from trusted partners for use in our recipes. Farmers experience higher yields, receive community assistance, such as access to health programs, and have a consistent buyer in Griffith Foods. Griffith’s customers have a fully traceable supply chain with high-quality, sustainably sourced ingredients.
Sustainability Approaches that Drive Higher Yields
Farmers’ participation in this program is entirely voluntary, but those who choose to join are required to follow our sustainable sourcing standards. Each local GSS program works with sustainable certification groups, such as Rainforest Alliance and others, depending on the crop and region.
Griffith Foods’ GSS Field Team, which formed to provide on-farm and in-community support, helps farmers meet our standards. For example, the team trains farmers on integrated pest management, soil condition improvement, irrigation techniques, and other principles that drive higher yields.
This scientific approach to agriculture promotes new methods for fighting insects and crop diseases without over-using pesticides. For instance, planting marigolds to deter pests is combined with natural methods to fight fungus. Other farmers within GSS pilot pheromone insect traps to identify pests that negatively impact fields and insects which help surrounding fields. Field yields have seen a healthy increase year-over-year using these methods, and production costs have gone down.
Ensuring a Safe and Secure Future for Farmers
Training also extends to the growers’ safety. There are times when it is necessary to use GSS-approved pesticides to ensure the productivity of the fields. In these cases, farmers are provided personal protective equipment and trained on proper application and storage. The GSS team works with a third-party group to track pesticide usage and verify only approved treatments are used.
Strong yields and secure livelihoods are the most effective way to ensure engaged participation by farmers. Over the years, Griffith has demonstrated how to improve crop yields while reducing the amount of pesticides used. The positive results become a multiplier effect for the program and increased participation.

Influencing the Health of Our Planet
Sustainable sourcing drives positive environmental impact. For example, integrated pest management techniques limit the amount of pesticides and chemicals released into the air and water systems. Our GSS program asks farmers to shred, instead of burn, remaining plant debris after harvest. This decreases carbon emissions and oils released into the air and increases soil quality through natural decomposition. Additionally, responsible water irrigation techniques mitigate soil erosion and runoff into local rivers and streams.
Mobile technology has become an important asset to the GSS Program. Griffith Foods’ onsite GSS Field Team is using mobile apps to track farmers’ yields and pesticide use. All collected data is used for continuous improvement.
Sustaining the Planet that Sustains Us
Griffith Foods’ Purpose, “We Blend Care and Creativity to Nourish the World,” lies at the intersection of the company’s expertise and the emerging needs of the world. An integrated spices and herbs supply chain enables us to benefit local communities while improving agricultural practices. In turn, we support traceability and highlight the provenance of herbs and spices.
To learn more about the Griffith Sustainable Sourced program or the unique solutions created from these herbs and spices, please reach out to your Griffith account representative or send us a message.