Month April 2020
In our market, we need to be constantly in evolution and aware of the trendy food born in the street, homes...
Summer Seasonings Spur Market Evolution
With dreams of the BBQ season in the middle of another cold winter, retailers and foodservice operators are...
Why Did the Chicken Cross the Map?
Griffith Foods’ Sensory Team brings a lot to the table, and that’s not referring to the countless pieces of...
It’s Getting Hot in Here
Spicy food and calling out specific pepper heat sources is a hot trend in the food world right now, pun int...
What Can Seasoning Do For You?
Our purpose at Griffith Foods is that “We Blend Care and Creativity to Nourish the World.” Herbs and spices...
Albanian Sage Project
Griffith Foods is proud to be the first company to source sage from Rainforest Alliance™ certified farms, l...
2017 Protein Report
Protein is a hot topic right now, with an increasing number of consumers turning to non-meat and non-poultr...
2019 Trend Watch
No matter your role in the food industry, culinary trends can have a major impact on your business. Griffit...

Mighty Meat-Free Burgers
Simply put, the alternative protein marketplace is exploding. Over the past five years, alternative protein...

The Hotter The Better
Today's consumers crave bold flavors, with Gen X and Millennials driving demand on the spicy end of the spe...

Solutions That Keep You Current
Monitoring food trends is only useful if you can act on the insights you’ve gleaned. Year after year, we monitor, identify, and capture what consumers across the globe are craving and activate those learnings through new, innovative solutions that cater to your customer’s needs. From flavour and texture to nutrition and health, we’re focused on the food elements that matter most to the people you serve.
Let's Create
Better Together.
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